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When you begin to bake on a consistent level, it can be tiring to use a whisk all the time. You may be interested in buying a mixer, only to discover there are both hand mixers and stand mixers. Well, we are here to guide you through this decision.
One important consideration is scale. Hand mixers are best for family-sized portions, while large-scale bakers would prefer stand mixers. Another important factor is time. Dough does better with a stand mixer, while cakes and brownies that can be overworked do better with a hand mixer. Hand mixers are also much more portable and take up less space, so smaller kitchens would do better with these. When looking at price, hand mixers are more affordable.
In conclusion, a hand mixer is best for small, new bakers with little experience or little kitchens, while a stand mixer is best for consistent bakers or those with baking businesses. However, both tools will get the job done, and you can't go wrong with either choice.
Thank you so much for reading, Dr. Moore. I hope you learned something new!